For myself 2014 has been a great year, we introduced our first baby into the world. Jack was born in April of this year and since then it’s been the best experience of my life so far. Having your first born really puts things into perspective, it’s no longer just about yourself anymore. I for one massively underestimated having a baby was going to change my life so much, if you did read the prediction post from last year  you will see what i mean, at the time of writing my own personal goals and objectives i was completely not thinking that we hadRead More →

Hello there, so something I have not really got into is firstly the writing of the blog posts. I spent the time setting the page up etc but I haven’t actually had the time to shout about things, secondly its that time of year where all tech blogs consist of some sort of review of the year gone by and predictions for the forthcoming year… So I am going to try and do just that and try to predict where I think technology will head in 2014. I will also look to summarise my experiences of 2013. Flash We have seen a huge increase inRead More →