This is going to be a live ongoing blog focused on the learning curve. I am currently walking through to be up to speed with Kubernetes and Cloud-Native methodologies and technologies.

This will also contain books and resources used that focus on Community and Developer Relations.

My initial focus here was Kubernetes, Containers, and Cloud-Native but this world exploded with interesting avenues you can head down so I have narrowed my learning curve into a few different areas but mostly my target is learning more about DevOps and the practices around this, I wrote this as an index of the areas I want to explore and either get a better foundation of or just get started – So you want to learn DevOps? I would also add here that diving into Open-Source Software is another area of interest for me on top of this craving for automation and platform.

Online Training

Getting Started with Docker – Complete (Pluralsight)

Docker Deep Dive – Complete (Pluralsight)

Docker & Kubernetes: The Big Picture – Complete (Pluralsight)

Getting Started with Kubernetes – Complete (Pluralsight)

Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on – Complete (Udemy) by kodeKloud

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests – (Udemy)

Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests – (Udemy)

Learn Kubernetes networking and security fundamentals using Calico – FREE!

YouTube Content

Tech With Nana

Just me and Opensource

Jeff Geerling – Jeff also has a really good 101 playlist here.

Free Code Camp – this is a specific DevOps video but lots of great content on this channel

DevOps Journey

That DevOps Guy

Bref Fisher Docker and DevOps

I have also been trying my hand at delivering content in this space over on my YouTube.

Reading Material

Nigel Poulton has done some great books on Docker and Kubernetes, recently I have just bought the latest book to read through.

Developer Marketing does not exist

The Business Value of Developer Relations

Hands On Labs

Kubectl Cheat Sheet

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