This is going to be a live ongoing blog focused on the learning curve. I am currently walking through to be up to speed with Kubernetes and Cloud-Native methodologies and technologies.
This will also contain books and resources used that focus on Community and Developer Relations.
My initial focus here was Kubernetes, Containers, and Cloud-Native but this world exploded with interesting avenues you can head down so I have narrowed my learning curve into a few different areas but mostly my target is learning more about DevOps and the practices around this, I wrote this as an index of the areas I want to explore and either get a better foundation of or just get started – So you want to learn DevOps? I would also add here that diving into Open-Source Software is another area of interest for me on top of this craving for automation and platform.
Online Training
Getting Started with Docker – Complete (Pluralsight)
Docker Deep Dive – Complete (Pluralsight)
Docker & Kubernetes: The Big Picture – Complete (Pluralsight)
Getting Started with Kubernetes – Complete (Pluralsight)
Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on – Complete (Udemy) by kodeKloud
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests – (Udemy)
Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests – (Udemy)
Learn Kubernetes networking and security fundamentals using Calico – FREE!
YouTube Content
Jeff Geerling – Jeff also has a really good 101 playlist here.
Free Code Camp – this is a specific DevOps video but lots of great content on this channel
I have also been trying my hand at delivering content in this space over on my YouTube.
Reading Material
Developer Marketing does not exist
The Business Value of Developer Relations
Hands On Labs