
What’s great about the E2800? A good while ago now I put a post together about some great target storage repositories these included Cloud Integrated Storage, The Cisco C Class range which now the S3260 is a great “Appliance” one stop shop for compute and high density storage and the post regarding a SAN backup appliance. Each have their own use cases and rights and maybe if you are interested we can have a discussion on those use cases and where you would see one over the other etc. I am talking about the blog post I put together regarding the NetApp E2700 or inRead More →

I have seen many a post recently that dives into the IT professionals bag and divulges the secret travelling tech products or just the cant leave without amenities. I decided to jump on this and let you know what I carry around in my bag. The Bag I have a choice of two and this really depends where I am heading, if I am heading out for a conference I prefer a backpack, easier to march around airports and conference centres with a backpack but if I am rocking a suit or have a particular customer meeting then I would probably go for the messengerRead More →

Another year done here at vZilla and I would say a very successful one. Besides all the political melting pot either side of the Atlantic and the horrendous year for celebrity deaths. I personally have had a pretty good year. I started the year as a Systems Engineer with Veeam where I had started in the March of 2015. Kicking the year off with Cisco Live which was in Berlin and then heading over for the Annual ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) NetApp A Team symposium over in Sunnyvale. That’s when things started to change I have detailed the start and finish of that transitionRead More →

Introduction My initial use case for the NETGEAR 312 was for simple home usage, I wanted a NAS to store my documents, photo libraries and some other media. But given my profession I could also see a use case where I could leverage the iSCSI / NFS protocols to present storage to my virtual environment for both a production storage layer but also leverage as target backup storage. Throughout my review I will be touching on the SMB protocol for my documents & media and I will also be touching on the NFS and iSCSI for use in a VMware environment. Setup & Usage ImpressionsRead More →

Hello All, I have been blogging now since April 2013. I knew this was something that was going to help me and hopefully others, in the beginning I wasn’t sure how creative I could be, but over time I found my subjects and idea became a lot easier to discuss over a post. It is with that I have found myself in the Top vBlog 2016, it’s a great honour to be mentioned in this list amongst a lot of the veteran bloggers that I once read as part of my SysAdmin role picking up neat little short cut’s that they had found and sharedRead More →

In true personal fashion I am always posting these prediction posts about 2-3 months into the new year. We are well under way for the 2016 year and already kicked off some milestones that I had in my initial plan. The reason for this post really is to put across what I already have planned and have done from a work perspective as well as some tech industry predictions that I believe will continue to grow, fall or begin this year. Veeam V9 January 12th 2016 saw the release of the long awaited Veeam Backup & Replication version 9, along with its monitoring and reportingRead More →

2015 – A Year in Review My first post of 2016 is going to have a quick look back over 2015, from my own career perspective and also the industry as a whole. Starting with Veeam At the end of March 2015 I joined the Veeam team and I have not looked back, just short of a year now and I have to say I love it. Vendor land, Pre Sales and systems engineering a year ago was a little unknown to me, having worked in a predominantly post sales capacity it was a big step into the unknown but I knew I wanted toRead More →

2015 was a busy year for me, but I did make more of an effort around posting on the vZilla site. It’s seems my content was viewed a lot more as well compared to previous years so much so I decided to summarise the key areas and focus points on the vZilla website. How many posts??? The majority of my posts in 2015 were around my key technologies VMware, NetApp, Cisco and Veeam. As I said in the introduction I have made an extra effort to contribute within the community and using my blog as well as my twitter and LinkedIn accounts to reach theRead More →

I wanted to put a post out there outlining where i think things will head this new year…. based purely around the storage, virtualisation, converged and data centre technologies the arena that i work in. Along with these predictions i also want to outline my goals and objectives around blogging content, exams and other such like topics. Last year my contenders for the big things to embrace the market were Flash, Clustered Ontap and Hybrid Cloud. This year here are my thoughts on 2015…. The continuance growth of adoption to Hybrid Cloud The backend of 2014 saw a big jump around Hybrid Cloud offerings, somethingRead More →

For myself 2014 has been a great year, we introduced our first baby into the world. Jack was born in April of this year and since then it’s been the best experience of my life so far. Having your first born really puts things into perspective, it’s no longer just about yourself anymore. I for one massively underestimated having a baby was going to change my life so much, if you did read the prediction post from last year https://www.vzilla.co.uk/1/archives/12-2013/1.html  you will see what i mean, at the time of writing my own personal goals and objectives i was completely not thinking that we hadRead More →