NetApp Insight 2015 – EMEA – Berlin

In just 4 days the NetApp EMEA contingent of both Technical Insiders, Partners and Customers will descend on Berlin, Germany for the second year running. 4 days of intense long hours but very informative days.

I am very lucky I have stated in previous posts that I get to attend both the US and EMEA event, I have attended the EMEA event for the past 3 years and last 2 years in the US.

This year will be a little different for me though as I will be representing Veeam on the Sapphire stand we have there. It will be my first time at an Insight event where I have been a “booth babe”

I am really looking forward to the event and I do have some free time to attend some sessions whilst there, the schedule I have selected is outlined below, my main aim is to gather any revision material I can around the new exam sets that NetApp have recently released. Another reason for me really looking forward to attending is the Alliance partnership between NetApp & Veeam is in a great place at the moment with some really great features that were released by Veeam last November in version 8 and coming in version 9 we have more dedicated features released for NetApp. It’s going to be great catching up with my peers and giving them the deep dive into what we do and how we can help….

My Schedule

Previous years I have posted a mix of different sessions that I have scheduled to attend whilst at the conference. Given my role change since last year my focus is more around the Data Protection piece, so really interested in what is coming from NetApp around this area such as SnapCenter, AltaVault and E-Series. After hearing some of the announcements about “SnapMirror to Everything” I am also very keen to hear more about how this can help the Alliance between Veeam and NetApp further.

You will also see a lot of Exam preparation sessions for each of the new exam sets that have been introduced earlier in the year. These are something I would like to see and hear so that when the time comes I will have some preparation in place for my revision.

Things to see in Berlin….

Olympic Stadium – for those that attended Insight in Berlin last year the NetApp EMEA event was held here and it was a very impressive venue, the event is not going to be held there this year but if you do have some free time be sure to visit.
Classic Remise Berlin – If you love cars then this is well worth the visit, it’s free and there are a lot of old rare and expensive cars here. It is quite hidden and quite far from the city center but if you don’t get to travel to Berlin often then make the effort to visit.
Game Science Center – “Hands on and play with technology” if you have a couple of hours to kill and want something interesting to do then it’s a pretty fun place to visit. Apparently there is some extension work happening the week of Insight but shouldn’t affect the experience and it will mean more to see and play with.
Das Klo Bar – Now it wouldn’t be a post without mentioning somewhere to get some beer. This is not your usual “pub” or “bar” this place is crazy. Part flea market, part zoo, and part theme park are how they describe the place, prepare to be shocked, drink from some unusual vessels. Das Klo – German for “the toilet”
On that final very weird note, if you are attending Insight in Berlin then I may get to see you, come and visit and say Hi on the Veeam stand.

Have a great and safe trip and I will report back on the other side.

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