It’s the end of another busy conference week, VMworld US is probably on par with our own conference VeeamON in terms of how busy we are. It was my first ever VMworld last year and this one well and truly topped it.
The opening keynote was really exciting to hear, the aquisition of CloudHealth was great. I have been following these guys for a while and the tech they bring or will bring to the VMware portfolio is really exciting. With CloudHealth, you gain visibility into cost, usage and performance across your physical infrastructure and virtual machines.
The second exciting announcement was around Amazon RDS and the ability to set up, operate, and scale databases on-premises and in hybrid environments as it is in AWS. That’s a huge thing for those customers that have gone already into the AWS realms and migrated their databases in, this to me though completes the gap around making that database function more available. Prior to this how would you have ever got that RDS instance out of AWS and functioning elsewhere if there was an outage or a reason that AWS was not available?
Veeam also made a couple of announcements during the week, the major one was Veeam Intelligent Data Management Combines with Cisco HyperFlex to Deliver New High Availability Solution
Veeam also announced the release of some deployment automation for customers wanting the easy button for deploying Veeam when using VMware on AWS.
Veeam Session – Automation & Orchestration
For me personally there was also lots of great things to list at the event. Myself and @AnthonySpiteri had the responsibility of the first Veeam session of the week. You can find the QR code to get going with the Terraform scripts we created for the Veeam end to end deployment.
For the full house we had in our session this week. Here is the QR code to grab the terraform deployment scripts. #VMworld @Veeam @anthonyspiteri
— Michael Cade (@MichaelCade1) August 31, 2018
You can also pick up the session here.
vBrownBag / VMTN Session
Following the Veeam session I had the chance to go a little deeper into the CHEF element of how we are using Desired State and Configuration Management to deploy a dynamic Veeam deployment within any vSphere environment.
Cooking up some Veeam Deployment with CHEF automation
It was another great week for engagement within the IT Community, the events aside from the main conference that continue to be a major success. The people get more helpful I think, I have such a good time chatting to everyone at this conference and sharing views and ideas.
Another shout out I have to give around the community is to the Virtually Speaking podcast guys, they are constantly busy over there capturing content. We managed to get some time on there to talk about the week.
Wrap Up
Now it’s time to head home and then before we know it we will be over in Barcelona for the European show. We will be enhancing the script and code that we used to potentially add even more detail and functionality but with the same premise of deploying a portable set of code for all to use in any vSphere environment which gives you a dynamic and scalable way of delivering your Veeam infrastructure.
I have lots of ideas that have come out of this week around content but also about other areas that we can transition the Veeam platform to continue to be the number one choice for availability for your data. Expect to see some of this in whitepaper or blog format.
Safe Travels everyone.