I have been blogging now since April 2013. I knew this was something that was going to help me and hopefully others, in the beginning I wasn’t sure how creative I could be, but over time I found my subjects and idea became a lot easier to discuss over a post.
It is with that I have found myself in the Top vBlog 2016, it’s a great honour to be mentioned in this list amongst a lot of the veteran bloggers that I once read as part of my SysAdmin role picking up neat little short cut’s that they had found and shared with the greater community. Knowing this was something I would like to do later on in my career, and given the time I would produce a lot more content that’s for sure.
You can find the vLaunchPad just here also to check out the other blog posts featured this year. – http://thevpad.com/
Voting is now Open for the Top vBlog of 2016, please if you find my posts and content useful then drop in and vote for the site. It would be very much appreciated. Vote here
A total of 19 posts last year and I am well on target to blow that out of the water for 2016.