I started the year as a Systems Engineer with Veeam where I had started in the March of 2015. Kicking the year off with Cisco Live which was in Berlin and then heading over for the Annual ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) NetApp A Team symposium over in Sunnyvale. That’s when things started to change I have detailed the start and finish of that transition here – http://bit.ly/2e1094p
Fast forward to November 2016, this is when I jumped into the new role with both feet for the last two months of the year. I managed to get some good content out there but nothing like I am going to be producing in 2017.
It’s become a bit of a tradition for me to look back over the year and compare things, things like number of blog posts, site visits and any other comparable number I can get hold of and compare.
At the beginning of the year I changed the website statistics engine from Webalizer which looks very dated to AWstats (which also doesn’t look cutting edge) I have also looked at Google Analytics and more recently CloudFlare.
2015 Stats
Veeam “The Next Big Thing” Wrap Up – http://bit.ly/2boeEj7
A lot of hits during the month of November where I took part in the #VDM30in30 challenge and managed 10 posts. It was always going to be a big ask having started a new job on the 1st November, I did have a couple more posts that were in draft but time constraints meant they were left in the chamber ready. You can find them posts here – https://www.vzilla.co.uk/vzilla-blog/category/vdm30in30
A big part of my #VDM30in30 posts were around the home lab and in particular my post on my own use case for the home lab – Test, Demo & Training can be found here – https://vzilla.co.uk/vzilla-blog/projecttomorrow-my-own-use-case-test-demo-train
Looking at the number of posts for 2016, I managed 8 more posts than the previous year, the intention for 2017 is to break that 30-post mark, but I really feel strongly about quality over quantity.
The Twitters
All in all, I am happy with how 2016 went from a work perspective and social media & blogging presence. With the change of roles this is going to mean a much stronger focus on different content and may affect the content that arrives on vZilla but all in all content will be created and shared and hopefully that will help a community member somewhere.
Happy New Year and the best of luck to everyone.