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Before we get going, I have a confession to make, this is my second time of installing Veeam Backup for Office 365, the first time was v1.5 and now we fast forward to v4. The gap in releases is really fast though so I am not too far behind.

In true Veeam fashion the installation is super simple. Download the bits you need from in the download you will find the Veeam Backup for Office 365 installer along with the Exchange and SharePoint explorers.

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I should mention the system requirements here also but I would also refer you to the user guide which I have linked at the bottom of the post.

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Although I will mention that if you are looking to install this in a lab then the above requirements can be lowered as there is a warning, but it does let you continue to backup should you have a resource constraint.

For those that have installed Veeam products before the simple installation wizard is very similar to what you have seen before.

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Obviously, we all must read through the EULA at least 3 times so you are aware and then proceed to accept.

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There are three components available to install and these can be installed on separate systems but for this installation I am installing everything on this one machine.

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That’s it, hit install

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Click finish and now on your desktop you are going to see a few new icons.

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You will see two new Veeam icons on the desktop one is the console and one is labelled PowerShell. Double click the console and you will receive the following window.

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When you first login to the console, the console can be installed on any machine you wish to connect to the Veeam Backup for Office 365 server. The first information alert is regarding licensing. There is a Community Edition that allows you to protect up to 10 users. You can continue without adding a license or you can add one at this stage.

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When you download the trial from you also receive a 30-day trial so I installed that here.

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The trial license gives you the ability to protect against 50,000 users. If you do require more then you will have to speak to someone from Veeam. Or contact me and I can you get you a 30 day trial for the number of users you require.

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That’s going to be it for a very simple installation process. There are also some resources I mentioned above that I wanted to add here for reference.

Michele has put a huge effort into getting this content out –

As with all Veeam documentation you will generally find the answer to your question here –

If the above two do not help then, there is also our Veeam Community Forums where you can get firsthand interactions with our Product Management team.

This is a series covering different areas and use cases surrounding Veeam Backup for Office 365.

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